“If science ceases to be a rebellion against authority, then it does not deserve the talents of our brightest children.”
"In the history of science it has often happened that the majority was wrong and refused to listen to a minority that later turned out to be right."
"We must be careful not to discourage our twelve-year-olds by making them waste the best years of their lives preparing for examinations."
"Do not imagine that you have to know everything before you can do anything. My own best work was done when I was most ignorant."
"I believe that scientists should be artists and rebels, obeying their own instincts rather than social demands or philosophical principles"
What is Rogue Physics, or Rogue Science, in general?
Rogue Physics is "fringe" science based around a few core principles and premises. These are: Related Unsolvables, Open Source Science, Thought Experiments, Parameter Composite Function Modeling, Correspondence, and Expected Testable Observables. Its aim is to advance science by providing novel ideas and reconciling inconsistencies.
What is the premise of Related Unsolvables?
At any given time, science has unanswered questions. Taken as a whole, these questions represent the known unknown. In a system with many unknowns, it’s reasonable to consider that some or all of the unknowns share a common fiber. Rogue Physics assumes this to be the case, and seeks to find the simplest connected threads as foundations for new models.
What is Open Source Science?
Creative stagnation in science is all too common when credentialism and trade secret hoarding run rampant. Advances in models and theories should not be confined solely to university PHD programs or behind-the-scenes corporate R&D labs. Many great ideas, and willing participants, go unnoticed and unutilized under strictly controlled narratives and personal agendas. Open Source Science seeks to balance this effect by harnessing and focusing this untapped potential.
Why Thought Experiments?
While the standard scientific method promotes a cycle of hypothesis, experimentation, and observation, the experimental element is out of reach for many individuals on the financial and or resource scale that would be needed to test ideas. For some, that inevitability dampens the cultivation of Thought Experiments that would have eventually led to more formal hypotheses. Moreover, unabated scientific ideation is often even shunned in some corporate and academic settings. Rogue Physics recognizes the critical and creative values of this pre-hypothesis contemplation, while taking advantage of the fact that Thought Experimenting costs only time and brain power.
What is Parameter Composite Function Modeling?
In mathematics, composite functions are ones built from multiple functions, where the output of one becomes the input of another. Despite the finer points of domain-range correspondence, the idea is that one function is “turned into,” "mapped," or "piped" into another. At the same time, there is the idea of infinite parameterization, that is, that one can always increase the number of parameters, and thus complexity and utility of a function, in order to adjust subtle aspects of its behavior. Combining those aspects of composite functions and infinite parameterization, the capability of such allows building models rich enough as to be a basis for all the intended output, while remaining as simple as possible. The idea being that inadequate math models of science can be moved to a better position on the Equation Map. (see Equation Map) Beginning with this perspective, and remembering that we are the ones creating the models, allows Rogue Physics to create new models, while not getting hung up by the idea that extraneous output means failure, or that models must be confined solely to the observables.
Why Correspondence?
By design, Rogue Physics models seek to fix unsolved problems, and thus be more inclusive than their contemporary counterparts. However, in order to move from the realm of speculation and or metaphysics into the practical, and just as Relativity reduces to Newtonian Mechanics with certain parameters, equations created by Rogue Physics must simplify into their extant analogues when said portions of the sub-models were not under question.
What’s the deal with Expected Testable Observables?
In order for new equations to replace the old, they must accomplish what the existing functions could not, and must also be proven as a better standard. To be considered, there must eventually be some physical way to test the new hypothesis. Therefore, Rogue Physics models must be developed to the point where they point to a new phenomena or Expected Testable Observable, and ultimately get confirmed and move into main stream science or otherwise denied.
The Cosmic Commentary was an paper I wrote about 15 years ago, exploring an attempt at the revision of physics from the ground up, beginning with the premise of a big bang and a single fundamental particle. It's sophomoric, which is o.k., still, given time, I would eventually wish to revisit, improve, modernize, and expand it. It can be found here.
This area was reserved for other Space-Time-Energy-Matter, S.T.E.M. and Single Fundamental Particle, S.F.P. material that would either expand the Cosmic Commentary or be similarly related.
This "For Kicks" section are my quick responses to a post in a forum from around 2012, where I attempted to be witty and funny while also coming up with quick answers to 10 unsolved questions in Physics and science. Needless to say, I don't think anyone responded, and I was probably the only one laughing. For the record, my comment about noobs at the end of question 10 was meant to be playful and snarky, and to goad the other users into a response. They were people who I knew wouldn't take me seriously anyways. The general topic of what each question was about is provided at the beginning of each answer.
10. Hastatic Order – Due to the interaction of the strong force with gravity as bosons are emitted and absorbed, while attempting to form probabilistic “orbits” around quarks that act as subatomic nuclei in close proximity.
9. Variable Constant – While the limit of c is constant at any given instant, that limit has slowly been decreasing. This is due to light slowing in less dense material, and the expansion of the universe currently outpacing its conversion of energy to matter creates said decreasing density parameter. When this slightly slowed light passes through interstellar clouds, pockets of higher density material compared to the vast emptiness around them, the clouds’ density distortion on space-time allows the light move with less resistance at its speed from a slightly earlier time.
8. "Therefore Aliens"
7. Tetra Neutrons – Due to the duel-asymptotic nature of the strong force and the vagueness in the semantics currently used to distinguish when non-hadronic bosons stop and elements begin.
6. Ultra Energetic Cosmic Rays – Emitted by excited quasar rings decaying back down to a lower energy level.
5. Placebo Effect - Attempts of a primitive organism instinctively grasping at subatomic consciousness.
4. Kuiper Cliff – Evidence of a rogue panspermic object with a rapidly decaying orbit well off the ecliptic that entered the solar system during its early formation. This is supported by the less anomalous disturbances on the direct opposite side of the belt.
3. C-Value Enigma – This one is a misnomer, as the term “junk DNA” makes it sound like a problem exists where it doesn’t. Organism complexity draws on more than just the number of genes, such as the number of chromosomes, the length of individual strands, how they are organized, and so on. Furthermore, the purpose of the non-coding DNA is better understood all the time. We now classify over 6 sub types of “junk DNA” and have at least 4 purposes for it including functions of protection, selection, switching, and regulating.
2. Cold Fusion – Of course room temperature is nice, but it doesn’t need to be cold, it just needs be below the break even temperature which we are slowly approaching. Of course, traditionally, the cold is referring microscopically to the site of the fusion. However, if you consider a whole star to be the fusion site, and realize that it’s taking place in 4 degree Kelvin space, then most fusion is already happening coldly.
1. Dark Energy / Matter – Due to supermassive objects on a scale that is yet to be addressed. We’re only just now plotting super clusters. LoL. Try considering objects larger than your own light-cone noobs.