Twin Prime Conjecture Proof - Basic
This is a temporary post showing the basic outline of the logic used to solve the Twin Prime Conjecture. The proof shows the basic steps...
Information Theory
1.Information Theories a)This is one model for the measuring the number of facts of information surrounding a human over a given time,...
Cosmic Commentary
Cosmic Commentary This is a platform for refining coinciding physics, linguistic, and mathematical symbolisms, and applying such towards...
Rogue Physics for Kicks
temp #Physics
Sub Structure of the Subatomics, Particle Group Types Organized by Mass
One of the continual efforts of physics is that of organizing all the particles, what is often simply referred to as "the particle zoo"....
Simplified Proof of the Twin Primes Conjecture
Since deriving a Twin Primes proof in 2016, I have sought to simplify the proof and make it available to a larger audience. I rewrote it...
Logical and Emotional Roboticism
Often, people commonly associate robots with being logical, or reversely claim, that some who are very logical are "acting robotic"....